Chapter 7 Dependencies

Dependencies = other R packages.

There are (mostly) three types:

  • Depends
  • Imports
  • Suggests

Enhances is used rarely

7.1 Adding dependencies

  • Add an entry in the DESCRIPTION file
  • Add a declaration of what you are importing from the package:
    • all of the package, or (@import package)
    • certain functions (@importFrom package function)
    • there’s no standard for where to do this.
      • i like to do in a package named manual file (e.g., foobar-package.R) so you can keep track of all imports in one place
      • but some like to list imports in each file/function where they are used

You can do this manually or via usethis::use_package('package_name')

7.2 Add a dependency to a package

7.2.1 Exercise

Choose a package that’s easy for you to work with.

Add it to your package

Reinstall and load your package

Does it work?

7.3 BONUS: What are system dependencies?