Chapter 4 Package structure
4.1 Package metadata (DESCRIPTION
Package: mypackage
Title: What The Package Does (one line, title case required)
Version: 0.1
Authors@R: person("First", "Last", email = "",
role = c("aut", "cre"))
Description: What the package does (one paragraph)
Depends: R (>= 3.1.0)
License: What license is it under?
URL: http://someurl
BugReports: http://someurl
gotchas/must do’s:
- no period at end of
! - single quote words in the
that are likely to not be known in a simple spell checker. - ABSOLUTELY make sure to include url for where the source code is and where to report bugs/issues. Seriously, this is not a joke. I do not use packages that don’t have URLs.
4.2 Code (R/
The R/
folder contains any number of .R
It’s worth thinking about organization, see for more.
4.3 Namespaces (NAMESPACE
file contains:
- what to import from othe packages
- what to export (expose publicly), available via
- note that internal fxns are still available via
- note that internal fxns are still available via
- what does
mean? how is it different fromimport()
Hot tips
- If you run into namespace problems, delete the lines in
and re-document the package - if you accidentally delete the
file, re-document - it’s a good place to look for:
- what you’re exporting and what you are not exporting
- same for importing
4.4 Object documentation (man/
contains files with extension .Rd
You should not be editing these by hand.
Use roxygen2
package with documentation associated with your code in .R
4.5 Vignettes (vignettes/
Vignettes are typically longer form examples/documentation on your package, and are linked to on the CRAN page for each package. See 10.3 for more.
4.6 Tests (tests/
Tests help you make sure your package does what you expect it to do, including as you make changes.
See 8 for more.
4.7 Data (data/
holds package data, used in your package functions, and optionally exposed to the user.
4.8 Compiled Code (src/
Typically C or C++ code … too much detail for now.
This is typically the problem when you see a bunch of stuff printed to the console when you have package installation problems - once a binary is available installation is sorted.
4.9 Installed files (inst/
Holds various files used by the package, e.g.,
- files you want to use in examples that are not R objects, e.g., csv files
You can access these files with system.file("examples/file.csv", package = "your_package")