Chapter 10 Extras

10.1 License

Choose A License is a great resource for choosing a license in general.

For R packages, a safe bet is MIT

Karl Broman has some good advice on choosing a license for your R package.

10.2 continuous integration

CI is integral to a healthy package workflow.

The “continuous” part means each deployment to github/gitlab is checked.

Check out travis and tic for R based helpers.

10.3 vignettes

TLDR: if nothing else, you should have examples in your README, correct? Just make a vignette out of that.

vignettes are super important - if users don’t know how to use your package they won’t use it.

See R pkgs vignettes chapter for more.

10.4 resources

if/when you run into trouble:

10.5 CRAN/Bioconductor

No experience with Bioconductor, though I can put you in touch with people that do.

CRAN is a slippery target. devtools::release() makes this easier, reminding you to check many things that may get your package rejected.